You Sniff Your Pants?!?


27 September 2020

1 hr 9 mins 37 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

Demo Tapes Episode 2


You Sniff Your Pants?!?


This was our second episode recorded and or last Demo Track before we started recording for real. While some of the conversations are a month our two dated, I still think this is a good feel for the report between Jason and Carl.

Chapter Markers

Show Opening / Intro

The Show with Walther

Walther is so vain, are you not glad we came up with a better name.

Coffee Talk

Walther declares his prowess. This leads to a discussion of advice from the Fools with Tools podcast on how to improve your packaging game.

How do you know if your pants are clean?

What starts as a discussion on how you know if your pants are clean leads to a discussion of what makes a hipster, by Walther. From there the conversation leads to the maker mindset.

Show Topics

Dress Rehearsal

Jason and Walther talk about the protest in Portland in August. Being the political being that they are there is discussion of Trump's Narcissism, and Constitutional Concerns. They then go one to talk about the power of the vote.

Go Vote

The Electoral College

What does the vote count for, why should you vote? Walther says radical things once again, and Jason is concerned on how to talk to people about this upcoming election.

-How The Election Works

Huge Tracts of Land

Walther does so more armchair quarterbacking about how things work in military campaigns. What next is he going to try to start a land war in asia? Walther still holds that the framers of the Constitution did envision the politics of the day.

Lighter than Air

Jason is getting a new laptop issued to him by the school and this launches in to a discussion of how to do distance learning. There is a conversation about the differences between distance learning in our two States.

Are you a Racist

How to know if you are racist, and who benefits from racist ideas. Then we talk more about cops rioting. This launches Jason into an encounter with a neighbor and a lot of soul searching.


Signing Off

  • GI Joe
    • Knowledge
    • Lazers
    • Fighting
  • Homework
  • Name of the Podcast

76 Mexico

Pre Aftershow Aftershow


Stop listening if you have no interest in listening to us talk about some of our favorite podcasters.

Post Aftershow Aftershow

Jason shows his bias for the English Language.




  • Me, Walther