Teaching Facts Leads to Racism


19 October 2020

1 hr 31 mins 57 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

Season 1 - Episode 4


Jason and Walther have established some responsibilities upfront before launching into what becoming a theme for this podcast Racism. Namely the racism in how the Obama administration is viewed. The second topic of the episode is almost as contentious as Jason argues with Carl over his indifference to teaching facts in the classroom. They wrap up the show talking about who made the biggest contribution to the English Literature.

Show Opening / Intro

Duties and Responsibilities

Jason and Walther agree upon what Jason responsibilities for the show are.

  • Show up and Check In
  • Challenge Walther's Thinking
  • Speak His Mine
  • Hang out with A Good Friend
  • Spell Check the Show Notes
  • Other Duties as Assigned

Follow Up © John Siracusa

Walther talks about how he got the filmography wrong. This leads to a discussion of his history and Walther being a Jerk. They also circle back to what the name of Hollywood Jobs are.

Ax Walther

Given that Jason has no Question for me this time, we launch right into some heavy questions.

Main Show Topics

We are living in America.

Why do people hare Obama?
Why do some people say that president Obama is one of the worst in history?

Right off the bat we get into a heavy conversation, Walther feels like he is not prepared for this, but Jason presses him to answer anyway. In the end it comes down to racism.

Walther Definition of Racism -- “ You excuses for the systems that benefit you.”

For Spacious Skies

The Conversation continues as Jason and Carl did into what makes this country tick. And more on why the backlash to the Obama Administration.

But What Did He Do?

A look back at what Obama did while in Office

Sunshine and Rainbows

What is Colder than Cold?

Walther and Jason get into it on wether facts or how we know the facts is the more important starting off point for education.

Let's Draw a Graph

Jason make the strong argument that making a kid feel safe in his understanding is the best way in to having that student learn (Relational Trust). At some point Walther exposes the dark side of his education philosophy.

Like A Light Bulb

Walther talks about blackbody radiation.

More Graph talks

How Lord Kelvin Did it. The conversation swings back to Racism and how facts are not enough by them selves.

  • Origin of Atomic Theory
    • Plum Pudding Model
  • Teaching Models in Critical

Wrapping it Up

Jason Points out the wisdom of his relative, and Walther's pursuit of Truth. At some point Walther exposes the dark side of his education philosophy.

  • Learning Triangle
    • Academic Press
    • Social Support
    • Relational Trust
  • Jason College Days
    • Omega Delta Phi
    • Honesty

A Knight's Tale

Walther asked, "Who is the second most important writer in English Literature?" And then agrees with his wife's answer.

  • List of Candidates
    • Stand Lee
    • Faulkner
    • Dickens
    • Chaucer
    • Shakespear
  • First Knight
  • Excalibur
  • A Knight's Tale
  • No Capes!


Sign Off

  • The Times They are a Changin
  • Hammer out Freedom, All over this land.
  • The Know-It-All and The Optimist After Dark


  • Birthday Girl
  • Merlin Man File Card
  • Jason's Challenge

