Walther's Job


28 November 2020

1 hr 27 mins 54 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

Season 1 - Episode 7



Jason and Carl spend most of the episode talking about education and AVID in general.

Show Opening / Intro

Time to Start the Show

False starts and musical openings.

Getting Smarter Every Day

What is a fortnight?

False Follow Up

More false starts and how should the cohost listen to the podcast.

Follow Up © John Siracusa

Finally they start the show.

  • ATP 401
  • Corrections
    • Edgar Wright not North
      • "World's End", not "Restaurant and the End of the Universe"
    • The Rock
      • “Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel” - Samuel Johnson
      • “Patriotism is the virtue of the vicious.” - Oscar Wilde
    • USS Cole was bombed during the Clinton Administration
    • Gaffer is a lighting guy not the tape guy.

Our we ready for our close ups?

Who was or was not a theater kids? Walther tells about his days in drag while being a theater producer.

Axe Walther

Units Out of Context

Jason has a question that came up from a math college about where -16 comes from in a quadratic equations. This leads to Walther having thoughts on what is the best way to use formulas to teach, and not just pegs to hang a hat upon.

  • Quadratic equations
    • -16 is ½ 32 feet per second2
    • y = ½ a t2 + Vyi T + yi
      • Only Talking about vertical movement.
    • X = Vxi t
      • Only talking about the horizontal movement.
  • Spring F = -kd
  • Kinematic Equation
  • Paranoid Android
  • Like and Subscribe

Main Show Topics

Walther's Job

Can Walther just get away teaching the Merlin Mann Method?

What is AVID?

Advancement Via Individual Determination
Carl discovers that now he is the student and Jason is the teacher and he is the student.

  • WAGs
    • Weeks At a Glance
    • Writing
    • Inquiry
    • Collaboration
    • Organisation
    • Reading
  • NGSS
    • 8 Practices
      1. Asking questions (for science) and defining problems (for engineering)
      2. Developing and using models
      3. Planning and carrying out investigations
      4. Analyzing and interpreting data
      5. Using mathematics and computational thinking
      6. Constructing explanations (for science) and designing solutions (for engineering)
      7. Engaging in argument from evidence
      8. Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information
  • Can you land a plane with Excel

How I got the Job

Walther tells the tale on how he got his new job, and his feeling on his new school.

Jason fulfills duties and responsibilities.

Jason challenges me in how to improve my practices and pedagogy, as well as organization. Walther, as always, makes thing way to difficult.


After Walther dismissed Jason praise of him, he gets to telling a story of determination from National TSA contest.


A good night's sleep.

To wrap up the episode, Walther tells Jason about their new bed, and Ikea.

Signing Off


Mics are Next!

How the sausage is made.

Hot Dogs and Thyroids

