It’s not for that, but that's what its used for.


21 September 2020

1 hr 31 mins 36 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

Episode Two Season One

Title: It’s not for that, but that's what its used for.


This is a long one, and good one. Carl goes on a long tirade about accuracy and precision,
and then launches into what the metric system is good for.
The show goes serious and mournful a bit when the discussion moves to job hunting and kids back in school.
Jason believes all Walther's issues would be solved if he fished more, but Carl not so sold on the idea.
There is more pedagogy talk on how the open day of school will look like in Sunnyside and what Asynchronous Learning looks like.
There is discussion of the old video games at the end and bring on a guest to nerd out about Zelda.

Chapter Markers

Show Opening / Intro

As with most recordings, Jason waits to get his coffee till after the record is hit.

That's how they get you.

We are just getting warmed up, buckle up this is going to be a long one.

Ghost in the Shell

Someone has messed with the auto correct in the google docs.

  • "Jason" --> "I am a loser"
  • Jason is a SeaHawks fan
  • What is the Internet
    • Jason has Ideas on what the Internet is, Walther disagrees.

Ich bin ein Berliner

Walther goes off again about his ethnic roots and spins some half true tail about what and what is not a pastry.

  • Kolach
    • Bear Claw
    • Roots
    • Walther
    • Balusek not Teplicek
    • Schmitt
    • Lloyd
    • Recipe

Issues with Language

Walther says a lot of ethnic centric stuff about language.

In a World

It is finally time to start the show.

  • -alt:
    • [Price of a Domain](
    • Old
    • Life
    • The Universe
    • Education
    • Politics
    • A Symposium of Pedagogy and Eudaimonia
    • Virtual Symposium of Ideas
    • Pedagogy
    • Eudaimonia

Follow Up @ John Siracusa

Follow Up & Ax Walther

There is no Ax Walther this time, yet we end up talking about internet stuff.

  • Does Jason know what is?
  • In which Jason Only Fans with the Fork from the Little Mermaind
  • Rule 34 not 64, dumb Walther
  • Cardi B does have an onlyFans site, but once again Walther is wrong about everything.

That's a Dongle

Walther show Jason a dongle which then launches into a discussion of how good a TI Calculator is.

Show Topics

Youth and the Lack of precision

In which Walther tries to show Jason why teaching persion is better then teaching accuracy.

  • 7/9
    • When do you need a Decimal?
    • When do you need a Fraction?
    • How many Decimal Points do you need?
  • 5 / 10 = 1/2
    • but 5. / 10 = .5
    • or 5 / 10 ≈ .5
  • Accuracy vs. Precision
  • Back at it, How many decimal points should I give?

Who keeps the Metric System Down?

The conversation moves onto why we use the systems of units we do, and what their strengths and weaknesses.

In which we think about moving to the Big Topics

Carl lays bare his struggles, mentally and time wise, in finding a job. But then quickly pivot to talking about kids going back to school, and then pivot back to advice on the job hunt.

  • Can't find work.

Back To School

Walther laments his inability to find the work he wants and Jason gives him a pep talk, this while they keep talking about what the start of school is going to look like.

### Jason Wants me to go Fishing
Jason keeps pressing Walther to go fishing, for his mental health. #selfcare

Car talk

Jason talks briefly about multiple trips to the auto part store

Jason's Reality

Jason walks us through what a day in his teaching going to look like. This was before any of this had met the classroom. We get into talking about tools to teach with online and Core 4 LMDSs

Synchronous vs. Asynchronous

There is some disagreement on how best to split the time and what the definitions are.

Hard Questions

How the hell did Walther get anywhere in life. Jason's responsibility to edit the docs is lacking. Walther makes some very unsupported claims.

Old Video game

Quick talk about old video games that we loved. We talk about bringing on a future guest.

Signing Off

As always contact Walther not Jason online.


Where Walther is wrong about more things.




  • Sorry this took so long to come out, Walther apologies to no one.