It's Literally in the Title


7 October 2020

1 hr 45 mins 20 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

Jason and Walther talk about movies, or mostly why Walther is Critical of movies. Jason demands that Walther walk him though this failure of understanding multiple times through the episode, but in the end is left being told to pound sand. There is a little wood talk in the middle, and Jason closes up with a good discussion about the path to success and how to present that as a model to students.

Show Opening / Intro


It would not be a proper show if Jason did not have to go make his cup of right after we start recording. So let the tradition continue.

Follow Up © John Siracusa

That's so Metal

Walther talks about how he go the borough idea of strength vs density of metals wrong, and we learn a bit of latin. They turn the metal talk to wards knifes. Jason reveals that he now has a welder.

The Podcast Logo

Jason and Carl talk about how he made the logo for the podcast, and the discussion moves to the script found within the logo and it's meaning.

A Night at the Movies

Before Jason even gets to talk about his desk. We start the first of the three main topics of this week’s show. Like a dog with a bone, this topic never dies and we keep coming back to what is a good movie and what is a fun movie.

Stay on Target

A ragtag group of podcaster is un able to stay on a single topic for long, and start talking about Affinity software again, but don't worry the topic of movies will come up again.

  • GIMP
  • Ink
  • Adobe Creative Cloud
    • Photoshop
    • Illustrator
  • Movie Editing Software
    • iMovie
    • Apple Final Cut Pro
    • Adobe Premiere

You Don't Even Have a Switch

We change topics once again, this time for Walther to throw some shade. But this begins a set up for a future guess.

  • Nintendo Switch
    • Animal Crossing
    • Stardew Valley
  • XBox
  • Death Stranding
  • Microsoft Flight Simulator
  • Spiderman
  • Batman

Mysterious as the Dark Side of the Moon

And we are back talking about Movies again. We are going to start off talking about Mulan. Jason uses this as an opportunity into understanding into how Walther thinks. More to come . . .

Ax Walther

Jason is going to make a desk. We spend a lot of time talking about things you can not see.

Squeeze Out Baby

Jason ask me about how I glue things up and what tools I use. Jason fancies him self as handy. Then the talk goes on to how to make legs easily so they do not look like shop furniture. The two of them finally figure out what a lap joint is.

Show Topics

The Main Show*

Given that the main topics of the show already started in Follow up this chapter marker is just here for formality sake.
The conversation starts off with how to name the show and how much hubris is in the name.

  • The Know-It-All and Optimist Podcast vs The Know-It-All and The Optimist

What is Movie?

Jason once again comes back to the main theme of this show. He can't let it go on what Walther thinks is a movie. We get to the theme of this episode, our disagreement over the fifth element. Jason does not catch on, but Walther keeps rattling off movies that he has seen. Walther still holds Fifth Element as an 80's action movie / romance movie. There is some confusion over who is the star of the movie.

Zelda is the Hero

Our heros take a break from their movie talk to talk about Zelda and video games. Jason demonstrates his knowledge of the Zelda Franchise and gives more reason to bring an expert onto the pod cast.

I think I need to...

Jason suggests I should watch 5th Element again and this launches us more into movie talk again. Walther tease again a story he has not told about naval ships. The Conversation turns to what is the proper use of Tropes in a movie. Jason suggests my problem is I don't like space. At the end of the day, go read a book and educate yourself.

  • Ship Names

    • Turbinia
    • Dreadnought
    • Viper
    • Cobra
  • More Movie Titles

    • Tombstone
    • Young Guns
    • Princes Brides
    • But that is a story for another day.

This is the Way

The conversation shifts to the Mandalorian and how it is best viewed. Talking about this gets them into a conversation about space battle and the laws of Physics.

  • Space Westerns
    • Mandalorian
    • Outlaw Star
  • Babylon 5

Epic Chair Quest

Walther tells of his trip to IKEA as a metaphor of the times we live in. But quickly the conversation turns to what can and can not be asked of your child inside your own house. Walther steers the ship back to our current dark future. Large problems take collective actions not individual responsibility.

Your Results may Vary

Jason talks about his success in engaging people in his circle in political conversations. Walther brings up Nazis so by the rules of the internet loses the argument. Jason claims that "The Rock'' is a good movie. Jason talks about his political conversations by using the Parable of the American Muscle Car.

Godwin's Law


Sign Off

Walther has lunch to make, so he starts to end the show, little did he know that Jason has other plans. Jason has been Walther to do daily pushups, and Walther challenges Jason to join him in Inktober. Walther has ideas on how to make his Inktober Post something special and he has found people to make music for him.

One More things

Jason talks about how teaching in this new reality is going. The pace is relentless, and feedback is harder now. The new reality of teachers is shifting where the Locus of Control in Education is. Jason intrudes the idea that Fear is the Opposite of Success and the Jedi Code relevance in his life.

  • NGSS
  • Model of How To Try
    • Failure
    • Success
    • Fear
  • The Jedi Code
  • Mall Rats
  • Growth MindSet


  • "Have you done Acid"
  • "Like My Back!"
  • "We should have a guest!"
  • "She’s the worst, Siri!"



This episode fought me at every opportunity it could, but is now done. I hope you enjoyed it.