There are Bigger Truths in the Butterfly.

Your Hosts

About this Episode

After some lengthy follow up about the cars, video games, and trees, Walther gives an update from February on how he fared in the cold Weather without power. Then the conversation gets on to self-reliance and, in part, what role the government should play in our lives. There is of course some talk of video games Jason and Carl where playing back in February, don’t worry there is follow up to come, as well as what exactly is transcendentalism.

Season 2 - Episode 3


There are Bigger Truths in the Butterfly.

Show Opening / Intro

Spoiler Alert, it took a bit longer to get this episode out then I said it would.

Follow Up © John Siracusa

Big Sky

Walther explains to Jason, Why Saturn?

Game Talk

Of course we talk about Cyber Punk and Zelda again.

  • So you like open world games, have you played BoTW?
    • StarDew Valley
    • Animal Crossing
  • CyberPunk 2077
    • Shadowrun

Skyward Sword

Redbud, The Tree

I got me that tree moved and Snatch Blocks are great!

Truth of the Bible


Objects in our lives point to great truths.

Common Core Math End

What math does common core say that every high school graduate should know. Walther also promises that we will have an education episode.

Main Show Topics

Texas Weather

All ways timely with their content, Walther tells Jason of his experience of the big freeze in Texas

On Self-Reliance

Here is a topic that been bugging Walther

  • Market Systems
  • Health Care
  • What, Us, Political
    • A reminder to the audience taht part of Eudaimonia, living the good life, is to be political.
  • Closing The Bracket
    • Wrapping up the ideas presented here.

Walther's Cancel Culture

Talking in Absolutes

The conversation shifts to the dangers of dealing in absolute ideas.

On-Line Education

A quick story about how Online education is going in the Walther household.


Sign Off

Spoiler Alert, it took two month to get this episode out.


Cats and Children, and the need for milk.


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